There has been a lot noise made about them in recent years. Everyone is speaking about getting or already having a Koi pond, but what the heck is a Koi pond? Is it a pond of special seaweed? No thanks! If I receive a craving to be covered in seaweed I will schedule an appointment at the spa & follow my seaweed wrap with a soak in a tub of mud. Or perhaps unlike me you actually know that Koi is a kind of fish, not seaweed.
Did you know that Koi is a carp fish? They are much like the goldfish in .color & size that most of us think of when thinking about the kinds of fish in tanks & ponds. This is due largely to the efforts of breeders enthusiastic to increase the Koi fish's' popularity among consumers as some Koi fish varieties have an 'inconspicuous' grey coloring to them. Some of the more 'colorful' Koi are found to have colors such as: black, red, white, blue, & yellow. Koi have ancestral ties to China & Japan. Like goldfish, Koi fish are a hardy breed of small fish.
Koi fish don't need plenty of fussing to keep them in optimum shape either which explains their popularity among all of us who are not looking for yet another task to add to our every day to-do lists. They are a chilled water fish & therefore your Koi pond needs to be deep to let them find cooler water near the bottom of the pond in the work of warm months of the year. A Koi pond that has at least four feet of depth will also permit your Koi fish to survive wintry temperatures when the surface of the pond is likely to freeze. It is a nice suggestion to place your Koi pond nearby giant, leafy trees as this will help to hide your Koi from would-be predators such as birds, raccoons, & neighborhood felines. If predation on your Koi fish becomes an issue you may need to put in some kind of netting that will keep predators from getting in to the Koi pond & having a go at the Koi.
So now you have discovered that a Koi pond is not some new-age contraption for holding seaweed. In lieu a Koi pond can be an a mesmerizing scene in which to relax around as you watch your Koi fish swim, eat, & perhaps even peek at you from time to time.
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